Petra Stefankova


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My work in more than 170 publications worldwide

My illustrations, computer graphics and paintings have been published – books, magazines and newspapers – in more than 170 publications worldwide. My work has been published in Luerzer‘s Archive 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 07/08 (2008, Austria); Visual Artist at Work by Michael Fleishman, Cengage (2009, USA); Vector Graphics and Illustration, A master class in digital image-making by Steven Withrow and Jack Harris, Rotovision (2008, UK); EXPOSÉ 6: The Finest Digital Art in the Known Universe, Ballistic Publishing (2008, Australia); Images 33: The Best Of British Illustration, The AOI (2009, UK); Images 31: The Best Of British Illustration, The AOI (2007, UK); Planet Alert, Revista Colectiva (2009, Kostarika); A DGPH Project: The Ark, IdN / Systems Design, (2009, Hong Kong); ILLO 2017, 3×3 Directory (2017, USA); ILLO 2018, 3×3 Directory (2018, USA); Drawn Vol.1 The Best Illustrators Worldwide (2017, Australia), Bezier Vol.1 The Best Vector Artists Worldwide (2017, Australia) and other books and magazines such as Vanity Fair, The Economist, Popular Mechanics, Future Music, HR Magazine, Dialogue Review, Computer Arts, 4Talent Magazine and newspapers such as The Guardian.

Moje ilustrácie, počítačové grafiky a maľby boli publikované vo viac ako 170 publikáciách – časopisoch, knihách a novinách po celom svete. Napríklad v knihách Luerzer‘s Archive 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 07/08 (2008, Austria); Visual Artist at Work by Michael Fleishman, Cengage (2009, USA); Vector Graphics and Illustration, A master class in digital image-making by Steven Withrow and Jack Harris, Rotovision (2008, UK); EXPOSÉ 6: The Finest Digital Art in the Known Universe, Ballistic Publishing (2008, Australia); Images 33: The Best Of British Illustration, The AOI (2009, UK); Images 31: The Best Of British Illustration, The AOI (2007, UK); Planet Alert, Revista Colectiva (2009, Kostarika); A DGPH Project: The Ark, IdN / Systems Design, (2009, Hong Kong); ILLO 2017, 3×3 Directory (2017, USA); ILLO 2018, 3×3 Directory (2018, USA); Drawn Vol.1 The Best Illustrators Worldwide (2017, Australia), Bezier Vol.1 The Best Vector Artists Worldwide (2017, Australia) a časopisoch ako Vanity Fair, The Economist, Popular Mechanics, Future Music, HR Magazine, Dialogue Review, Computer Arts, 4Talent Magazine alebo v novinách The Guardian.

My work in more than 170 publications worldwide Read More »

My name in prestigious libraries

I have discovered my name in articles and books at some of the famous libraries in the United Kingdom, the USA and Spain. Our book titled Don’t take my dreams from me is available from the library of the Royal Society of Arts in London. Some of my articles published in the US and the UK are available to students and teachers of the prestigious art school, the University of the Arts London. My conference paper, which was written for Graphite 2007, the computer graphics conference in Australia, was published by the famous Association of Computer Machinery in the USA. And I already mentioned earlier on this blog, that my profile and artworks have been published in a book by Jack Harris and Steven Withrow in the UK. This book has been translated into the Spanish language and it is available from the library of the famous Artium museum.

Objavila som svoje meno v článkoch a knihách v niektorých zo slávnych knižníc v Anglicku, v USA a v Španielsku. Naša kniha Neberte mi sny je k dispozícii v knižnici Kráľovskej spoločnosti umení v Londýne. Niektoré moje články publikované v USA a v Anglicku sú k dispozícii študentom a učiteľom prestížnej umeleckej školy University of the Arts London. Môj konferenčný príspevok, ktorý som napísala pre Graphite 2007, konferenciu počítačovej grafiky v Austrálii, bol publikovaný slávnou Asociáciou pre počítačové stroje v USA. A už som spomenula skôr na tomto blogu, že môj profil a diela boli publikované v knihe Jacka Harrisa a Stevena Withrowa v Anglicku. Táto kniha bola preložená do španielčiny a je umiestnená v knižnici slávneho múzea Artium.

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New international publications in 2021

My work has been published in various international publications in 2020-2021. Namely, Coronart by Ludvig Rage publishing from Berlin in Germany, Human Body is Art and Limitless Nature by Bruxelles Art Vue from Brussels in Belgium and Current Masters 5 by World Wide Art Books in Santa Barbara, California, USA.

Moje diela boli publikované vo viacerých medzinárodných publikáciách v roku 2020-2021. Konkrétne, v knihe Coronart od vydavateľa Ludvig Rage v Berlíne v Nemecku, Human Body is Art a Limitless Nature od bruselského vydavateľstva Bruxelles Art Vue v Belgicku a Current Masters 5 od World Wide Art Books zo Santa Barbary, Kalifornia v USA.

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