My paintings at art3f Paris in September

Two of my acrylic paintings and one additional painting in the storage will be presented at the international contemporary art fair, art3f Paris at the Paris Expo, Pavillon 5, Porte de Versailles, between the 10th and 12th of September 2021. I will be represented by a Madrid based gallery Van Gogh Art Gallery.

Dve moje akrylové maľby a jedna maľba v zálohe budú prezentované na medzinárodnom veľtrhu súčasného umenia v Paríži, art3f Paris, v priestoroch Paris Expo, Pavilón 5, Porte de Versailles, medzi 10. a 12. septembrom 2021. Bude ma tam zastupovať madridská galéria Van Gogh Art Gallery.

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