Petra Stefankova


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My Illustrations in Alan Male’s Book at Bloomsbury Publishing UK

Many of my illustrations are the basis for Professor Alan Male’s theoretical overview of the illustrator’s profession in the book Illustration: A Theoretical and Contextual Perspective. In this book, 10 of my illustrations are published on 8 pages in 4 chapters. These are newspaper and magazine illustrations, but also free and book illustrations and a series of social posters. The book is published in paperback on January 11, 2024. The book is listed in the catalogue of the British Library in London and the Library of Congress in Washington DC.

About the author: Alan Male, FRSA is an illustrator, academic and writer. For many years he directed the Illustration program at Falmouth University in the UK, gaining an international reputation for excellence. He is now a professor emeritus and a keynote speaker on the international stage. He has written and edited several books on illustration and has won numerous international awards for his work.

About the publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing is a leading independent publishing house, established in 1986, with authors who have won the Nobel, Pulitzer and Booker Prizes, and is the originating publisher and custodian of the Harry Potter series. Bloomsbury has offices in London, New York, New Delhi, Oxford and Sydney.

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Mnohé moje ilustrácie sú základom pre teoretický náhľad na profesiu ilustrátora Profesora Alana Male v knihe Illustration: A Theoretical and Contextual Perspective. V tejto knihe je publikovaných 10 mojich ilustrácií na 8 stranách v 4 kapitolách. Sú to novinové a časopisecké ilustrácie, ale aj voľné a knižné ilustrácie a séria sociálnych plagátov. Kniha vychádza v mäkkej väzbe 11. januára 2024. Kniha je uvedená v katalógu British Library v Londýne a Library of Congress vo Washingtone DC.

O autorovi knihy: Alan Male, FRSA je ilustrátor, akademik a spisovateľ. Mnoho rokov riadil program Ilustrácie na Falmouth University vo Veľkej Británii, vďaka čomu si získal medzinárodnú povesť excelentnosti. Teraz je emeritným profesorom a hlavným rečníkom na medzinárodnej scéne. Napísal a redigoval niekoľko kníh o ilustrácii a za svoju prácu získal množstvo medzinárodných ocenení.

O vydavateľovi: Bloomsbury Publishing je popredné nezávislé vydavateľstvo založené v roku 1986 s autormi, ktorí získali Nobelovu, Pulitzerovu a Bookerovu cenu, a je pôvodným vydavateľom a správcom série Harry Potter. Bloomsbury má kancelárie v Londýne, New Yorku, New Delhi, Oxforde a Sydney.

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Visit to the Royal Society of Arts in London

In April 2022 I visited the Royal Society of Arts in London, where I am a Life Fellow. My book ‘Don’t take my dreams from me’ is part of the Fellow’s library and I found it on display prominently by the librarian desk! I am so grateful and happy. I also had a couple of meetings with an artist, a gallerist and a film industry professional and I attended the President’s lecture that HRH Princess Royal introduced.

I have had my work published in the famous Vanity Fair magazine, which has been displayed and on sale in every magazine store (not only) in London! Andy Warhol’s iconic portrait of Queen Elizabeth II is on the cover of this issue of Vanity Fair magazine.

V apríli 2022 som navštívila Kráľovskú spoločnosť umení v Londýne, kde som doživotnou členkou. Moja kniha Neberte mi sny je súčasťou členskej knižnice a našla som ju vystavenú na významnom mieste pri knihovníčkinom pulte. Som vďačná a šťastná. Tiež som tu mala niekoľko stretnutí s umelcom, galeristkou a filmovou profesionálkou a zúčastnila som sa Prezidentskej prednášky, ktorú otvorila Princezná Anna.

Moja práca je tiež publikovaná v slávnom časopise Vanity Fair, ktorý je vystavený a predajný v každom obchode s časopismi (nielen) v Londýne. Na obálke tohto čísla časopisu Vanity Fair je ikonický portrét Kráľovny Alžbety II od Andyho Warhola.

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Book ‘Don’t take my dreams from me’

I self-published a new book of poetry and paintings, that is written by my mother Aurelia Stefankova and it is illustrated by me. We united to express moments and adventures of life as well as images of love in two independent ways – in visuals and in writing. The book is published in two languages, in the Slovak and English language. You can buy it from my store.

Publikovala som novú knihu poézie a malieb, ktorú napísala moja mama Aurélia Štefanková a ja som ju ilustrovala. Spojili sme sa, aby sme vyjadrili momenty a dobrodružstvá života ako aj obrazy lásky dvomi nezávislými spôsobmi – vo vizuáloch a v básni. Kniha je publikovaná v dvoch jazykoch, v slovenčine a v angličtine. Knihu si môžete zakúpiť z môjho e-shopu.

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The Art of Hate comics anthology

My work, a short comics of 4 pages, has been published in an international comics anthology The Art of Hate. The book was compiled by the London based publisher, Centrala. I created a short story with an ecological theme for this purpose. There is less than 40 authors from all around the world in the book. Moja práca, krátky štvorstranový komiks, bola publikovaná v medzinárodnej komiksovej antológii Umenie nenávisti. Kniha bola skompilovaná Londýnskym vydavateľstvom Centrala. Vytvorila som krátky príbeh s ekologickou témou na tento účel. V knihe sa nachádza menej ako 40 autorov z celého sveta.

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Book in the library of Artium Museum

Did you know, that my profile and artworks were included in a book written by Steven Withrow and Jack Harris ’Vector Graphics and Illustration: A Master Class in Digital Image-making’ published in the UK by Rotovision in 2008? It was even translated to the Spanish language and published by Promopress in Barcelona in 2010. Moreover, it is now listed in the library catalogue of the famous Artium Museum in Spain! Direct link to the library catalogue entry here.
According to Wikipedia, the Artium Museum holds works by the most famous artists, including Joseph BeuysJake and Dinos ChapmanSalvador DalíJoan MiróPablo Picasso and others.

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