Ghost Town.NYC exhibition in New York

Arthouse.NYC and the curator Susannah Perlman organised a digital exhibition of the selected fine artworks, that were exhibited on digital displays in the centre of New York throughout the year. The exhibition Ghost Town.NYC was held on 30 and 31 October 2020 at Ideal Glass Studios, 9 West 8th Street near the Empire State Building and the famous 5th Avenue.

At the Ideal Glass Studios experimented the pioneers of electronic music Louis and Bebe Barron, composer John Cage, playwright Tennessee Williams, writer Henry Miller or filmmaker Bryant Haliday.

The exhibition Ghost Town.NYC presented the strange, eery, macabre and supernatural in a collection of artworks. Besides myself, there was work by the American illustrator of the New Yorker magazine Richard A. Chance, the Japanese drawer Mayuko Gray, the Columbian media artist and teacher Santiago Echeverry, Italian photographer Yasmina Barbet and others.

Arthouse.NYC pod vedením kurátorky Susannah Perlman zorganizovala digitálnu výstavu výtvarného umenia z výberu tých najlepších diel, ktoré sa za posledné roky prezentovali na digitálnych obrazovkách v centre New Yorku. Výstava Ghost Town.NYC sa konala 30.-31. októbra 2020 v priestoroch Ideal Glass Studios na ulici 9 West 8th Street neďaleko Empire State Building a slávnej ulice 5th Avenue.

V priestoroch dnešných Ideal Glass Studios pôsobili pionieri elektronickej hudby Louis a Bebe Barron a tiež tu experimentovali napríklad skladateľ John Cage, dramatik Tennessee Williams či spisovateľ Henry Miller alebo filmár Bryant Haliday.

Výstava Ghost Town.NYC ukázala tajomné, strašidelné či nadprirodzené javy v kolekcii výtvarných diel. Okrem mňa sa tu prezentoval aj americký ilustrátor časopisu The New Yorker Richard A. Chance, japonská kresliarka Mayuko Gray, kolumbijský mediálny umelec a pedagóg Santiago Echeverry, talianska fotografka Yasmina Barbet a ďalší.

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